The LandaJob Blog:
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Employers: Emailing New Grads 101

Here are a few more thoughts to follow up on our last post about the spring influx of new graduate resumes – this one’s for the employers.

The world turns really fast now, and sometimes civility and good manners are overshadowed in favor of the technical how-to’s for new grads. Here’s where employers can help:

  1. Be prepared for the onslaught. Having a system of intake and response for new grads that is separate from mainstream applications can help.
  2. Have a formal response procedure that is communicated to all employees, and make sure they use it. “Hey, my wife’s cousin’s son wants to talk with the manager about a job” can lead to a good hire , or a potentially less than sterling impression for your external stakeholders.
  3. Assemble resources for graduate job-seekers to provide interviewing and networking tips, professional organization information, and other avenues to look for work. You can send them to LandaJob’s free career portal, MyLandaJob, for example.
  4. Give advice when you can to those who appear ill-prepared.

It pays to acknowledge that the impression you make with that new graduate right now can be remembered several years down the road, when you might really need their skills. And who knows what they might say to their parents or acquaintances about the interaction (or lack thereof) they have with your company right now.

Let’s treat them like we wish we’d been treated.


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